Saturday, March 12, 2011

Two months...

I can't believe that two months ago, I gave birth to our third little miracle. Time goes really fast. We found out that we were pregnant with Miss. AM around the same time we were pregnant with the baby we lost through miscarriage in 2007, and our angle baby's due date was around the same time as Miss. AM's due date. We were supposed to hold our baby back in February 2008, but God decided to call our baby home in April 2007, and Miss. AM was born in January 2011.

We didn't expect to get pregnant with Miss. AM, we were trying, if it happened, it happened, if not, oh well....when we were trying, at the same time we were preparing our paperwork for next adoption. Yes, we wanted to adopt again when Mr.C's adoption was finalized. Couple of months before Mr.C's court date, I was running like crazy to get all the paperwork updated.

When the paperwork was almost done, we took a little trip to Atlanta, because DH had a conference there for a week, while Mr.C, Miss. A and myself visited different places, and had tons of fun.

I took my laptop with me since my NFP program is there, and I needed to chart my temperature still, I had my thermometer too. I was late for couple of days, and my tempt was still high. I was kind of wondering, but I didn't get my hopes up since I was experiencing some menstrual cramp, for almost 4 years trying to get pregnant with no result, and when I thought I was pregnant then the cramp came, few days later, my period started, so it was the same feeling this time.

 I waited for my period to come, but still the mean time my temp still rising high, now...according to the book, if the body tempt is still high for about 3 weeks after ovulation, no pregnancy test is needed because for sure it means a positive pregnancy. I was late for 1 week, and in that 1 week I had high tempt. I decided to waste my money and buy a pregnancy test.

We were in a hotel room, at night, watching a movie 300 while the kids were sleeping. I gathered all my courage to take the test, I was scared to be disappointed, and I kept telling my self 'it will be negative' just to guard my feeling. Few minutes later, I saw the result, and it was read 'positive', the rest was history....

God had a plan for our family....all those years of trying to get was like God was telling us 'Wait, I have a son for you, My plan is far more perfect than yours' He was right, He always right....Mr.C came to our lives, and it was beautiful, it was perfect, and He never outdone His blessings, He gave us this baby girl as well...

He turned my tears into joy with Mr.C's adoption, and He made me fell down in adoration at His feet, and feeling unworthy...totally unworthy.... with the newest blessing for our family.

What have I done to deserve such blessings? I've done NOTHING except causing Him pain through my failings, yet He keeps showing me how much He loves me, how He knows what I need...

Together with my Heavenly Mother, I'll say " My soul proclaims the greatness of The Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has looked upon His handmaid's lowliness....The Mighty One has done great things for me and Holy is His name...."(Luk 1:46-49)

Miss. AM just born

I finally got to meet her

Two months old

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